Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Affordable Antioxidant Solution & Cocoa Diet from American Journal of Bariatric Medicine

Posted by Lyn at 12:57 PM

If you have ever dieted and failed then you know just how awful that can be.

You set your mind to lose the weight. You decide this is going to be the year that you finally get back to that high school weight or the weight when you really felt good about yourself.

Bottom line is we all want to feel good about ourselves and be healthy. And losing that excess weight goes a long way in reaching that goal.

So when the diet does not succeed, we have a tendency to blame ourselves. We determine that we failed because we were not good enough or did not try hard enough.

Honestly if all you had to do to lose weight was eat less and exercise, the entire population would be thinner.

Instead there is an obesity epidemic that is out of control. If I count all the money I spent over the years on diet plans that failed, special or exotic diet food, exercise equipment, wasted gym memberships and weight loss supplements, I would be rich.

So honestly when someone shared with me about the cocoa based diet I was skeptical.

I mean really, cocoa? I have been on so many diets including the Atkins diet and Weight Watchers and every time I just did not succeed. Either I lost weight initially and then immediately gained it back because the weight loss was not sustainable or I just never lost weight at all.

I tried the 1,000 calorie diet for a while and even starving I did not lose weight. In fact, one week I even gained weight starving myself. Just crazy!

Then as we get older, we realize you can't just go on an unhealthy diet just to lose weight.

You have to be careful what you put in your body. You need to eat right, get enough fiber, calcium, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Without that, many of us are at risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia and over 200 chronic conditions . Unfortunately most of us won't realize how serious osteoporosis and osteopenia really are until we fall and break a bone or two.

So when I heard about the cocoa diet, I did my due diligence and I checked it out.

I was thrilled to find out that just one cocoa chocolate shake has 8 grams of fiber, 32% of my daily recommended value. And on top of that, one shake has 56,500 ORAC fn antioxidants and 1128 flavonoids per meal as verified by Brunswick Labs, the company the government uses.

When I figured out how much it would cost just to buy the amount of fruits and vegetables needed to get 56,500 in antioxidants in a day I was shocked.

Here I thought this shake was expensive but after figuring out it would cost me over $13.40 a day on sale just to buy the amount of antioxidants I would need for one person, and then I would have to eat all that food in one day, it quickly became apparent that this shake was the way to go.

And if you would rather get your antioxidants by eating 3 pieces of yummy cold pressed belgian chocolate each day, the most cost effective method, that works out to just $2.71 a day.

If you choose the autoship promo, and choose power squares as your free product, the cost ends up being only$2.12 a day for 49,464 ORAC fn antioxidants and 1740 flavonoids (mg).

The best price I could find on blueberries was 2 for $6 for the 12 ounce package at my Publix grocery store. In order to reach the same antioxidant value as the shake, I would have to eat 6 1/2 cups a day at a cost of $13.50 assuming I could buy it at the sale price . I also would have to consume 533 calories instead of just 190 calories in the shake.

One Gala Apple is 3903 antioxidants and 116 calories. They are on sale for $0.99 cents a pound at my Publix grocery store and when I weighed them, one apple worked out to be a pound. So when I figured it out, I would have to eat 14.3 apples per day to reach the 56,500 antioxidants in one shake. The calorie content of just the apples is 1658 compared to my 190 calorie shake. Not only could I not imagine being able to eat 14 apples in one day, the cost of the antioxidants in the apples is $14.15 per day.

6.3 cups of whole cranberries equals the antioxidant value of just one shake. Purchasing 4.2 packages (12 ounce) of cranberries works out to $12.55 on sale during the Buy One Get One free deal at Publix this week. However these are rarely on sale and the normal cost would run me $25.10 a day. It also would be 289 calories as compared to my 190 calorie chocolate shake.

So not only have I found a way to lose weight, but also a way to get all the nutrients I need to stay healthy in a very cost effective way.

Just pricing out the rising cost of fruits and vegetables, this has been a huge cost savings to me. If you are looking to lose weight and also are dealing with a chronic condition, you really need to increase your antioxidant content to stay healthy. For those of you with diabetes, these products are diabetic friendly.

As of today, I have lost 60 pounds on the cocoa based diet.

I have 70 more pounds to go and with this plan, I have no doubt I will reach my goal. After losing 60 pounds I know this diet plan works. That is why I am sharing this with you. I have been heavy all my life and I know what it feels like to concede failure to a diet. To give in to being heavy. To give up. It was no surprise to me that this cocoa based diet was featured on the front cover of the American Journal of Bariatric Medicine.

This diet has been the solution I have been waiting for all my life. Let it be your solution too.

You are going to be amazed at how easy this diet is to stick with. It is shocking to me that I have been able to lose weight eating a shake, eating chocolate for snacks and still enjoy going out to dinner with my hubby and friends. It amazed me that I could diet and still have a life. That I did not have to starve or feel like I had to give up everything just to be thin.

My shake runs me $5 a meal which is less than I spend going out for lunch or about the same as my cost at Starbucks for a coffee and pastry. If I sign up for the autoship rewards program, I get a free product every 3rd autoship for the first year. If I continued to purchase the shake each month, and choose the shake as my free product, the cost goes down to just $3.88 a meal.

Even better, the company sends you a thank you check for sharing this with others.

Share this with three people and you can get your product for free. You can even choose this as a part time or full time business.  The opportunities are endless. Just ask me for the details. I promise, you won't regret it. This may be one of the best decisions you have ever made.

To our continued diet success,


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