Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Get a Sample Pack of 3 Xe Healthy Energy Drinks FREE!

Posted by Lyn at 12:04 AM

Here is a great deal on a sample pack of the Xe Energy Drink.  You receive 3 cans of the Xe and only pay for shipping.  Hurry and grab this deal.  This is not the "Monster" or "Bull" drinks that you hear about in the news as being bad for you.  This is a high antioxidant Energy Drink with over 41,000 ORAC fn score in each can.  (Antioxidants)  Grab a deal on healthy energy.  Shipping is $7.95.

When you post this on your facebook page and three of your friends sign up for a sample, you get ANOTHER set of 3 Energy Drinks FREE.  This time you pay NOTHING for shipping.  Truly a great way to score a very good for you and yummy energy drink!  Feel free to pass this deal on to friends and family.  Just use this link,

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