Thursday, November 12, 2009


Posted by Lyn at 4:48 PM

Thank you Sherry for reminding us we have lots to be thankful for!  Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day things that we forget about what is the most important. 

I am thankful for my relationship with the Lord.  As far back as I can remember, God was always there for me.  Even when I was not perfect, even when I forgot to pray, even when I forgot to have quiet time reading my bible.  God has always been there for me.  How is God there for me?  That is simple.  There are so many little things that just work out that should not have worked out, or I found the best deal on something I really needed just when I need it. And, he is not just there for the small stuff, trust me he is there for the big stuff too.  I seem to have had too many of the "big stuff" problems at least in my mind but the best one that comes to mind is my youngest son.  He almost died within a few days of his birth, had a 5% chance of living yet God let him live.  I can remember praying just let him live and saying he will live and not die over and over.  Hard times for sure, but God was there.  I am not saying that God makes our lives easy, far from it.  I feel like I have struggled in some way or another my entire life.  God never said it would be easy, he said he would be there with us.  I can't even begin to imagine how my life would be without God.  Destitute comes to mind...

I am thankful for my husband.  Thankful that God put us together, thankful that God helped keep us together and  thankful for the wonderful children he created even though we never thought we could or would get pregnant.  I am thankful that my husband has become as frugal as me and that he is an equal partner in our endeavor to be super frugal parents who are always looking for the best deal!  Who said Dads can't be frugal?

I am thankful for my Mom. Without my Mom, I would never have learned to be so frugal! My Mom was frugal out of necessity and she did a good job. She taught me to look for the deals and to be careful with money. I can remember shopping at the outlet stores with my Mom--good memories for sure!

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