Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Posted by Lyn at 7:52 PM

Okay, guys.  I just had to share this amazing deal I found out about at The Frugal Find!  Honestly I never thought too much about stamps but this is too much fun to pass up.  I just ordered 2 pages of stamps and when all discounts are applied, my order total including shipping was only $15.79.  If I had purchased the stamps directly from the Post office, my cost would have been $17.60!  I should have my stamps in less than a week.  I think they will be amazing on my Christmas cards. 

Check out the details:

Sign up for Shop at Home if you are not a member and get an extra $5 discount.  If you are already a member, great!  Click on your Shop at Home link and do a search for photo stamps.  Click on the link for when it comes up.  Click to go to the Photostamp site and you will get an $8 rebate from Shop at Home. 
(If you are a new Shop at Home member, you will receive your $8 rebate and a $5 credit for a total of $13 back!)

Upload your photo and then order at least 2 sheets.  You get a $2 off per sheet discount for ordering 2 or more. 

Enter code THIRTYOFF in the promo code field for 30% off your order.

Then, enter code cutekid12 for FREE shipping!

If purchasing 2 sheets of stamps, cost should show up as $23.79 including shipping.

What a deal and so much fun!!  If you don't want to use your own photos, you can also order stamps with Anne Geddes pictures including Christmas photos, NFL logos and College logos!  What a great way to support your school!  Just imagine the comments you will receive when your friends and family get your Christmas cards and your stamp with a custom photo.

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