Sunday, February 21, 2010

FREE BUSY MOMS BIBLE from Zondervan & enter to win a personal assistants services!

Posted by Lyn at 3:33 PM

This is one of the best freebies I have seen in a while.  Get your FREE copy of the Busy Moms Bible for Moms whose hearts are more open than their schedules!  Read it and leave a review on Zondervans site before March 26th and you could win the services of a personal assistant.  (Residents of Florida and New York are not eligible.  Bummer!)

It offers daily inspiration even if you only have one minute.  I can't even count the times I said I was going to take some time to myself and read my bible and then it never happens.  So when I saw this Busy Moms Bible it really peaked my interest.  When I was younger in high school, I remember reading the bible through all the way in less than a year and being so proud of myself.  I have thought of doing that again but apparently I had more time when I was a teen because I sure can't figure out how to fit that in with everything going on with normal family life now! 

Not sure what your family dynamics are but for me I have three teenage boys and a great husband.  They are wonderful but we still have challenges.  Boy do we ever.  Evan my oldest will be graduating from High School this year!  Yipee!  So I am busy figuring all of that out.  And since Evan is autistic, I have been applying for different programs for him and inquiring  with attorneys regarding a guardianship when he turns 18.  I had no idea it was going to be so expensive to do that.  I get it when it is someone with an estate, but an 18 year old usually does not have much money.  I sure wish there was an attorney that could take on a guardianship pro bono in SW Florida.  Well anyway, I am rambling... 

I guess what I am saying is that we all have our challenges in life.  They may be completely different but you can't just assume someone elses life is better just because it appears that way on the outside.  I think this busy Moms bible is great for the Moms with little ones, the ones in school, the Moms who have children with special needs and the Grandmas who have taken over as Mom for their kids kids. 

I hope you get yourself a copy.  I just ordered mine and I can't wait to get it.  I can definitely find at least a minute a day to spend with God.  How about you?

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